Random Acts of Senseless Fuckery
Published on October 15, 2004 By evilPidge In Politics
I really used to hate the solistation call we used to get. The worst were the ones where the phone would ring, you'd pick up the phone and say "hello" but there would be no one there for a second, then you'd hear something like "please hold someone will speak to you shortly about something you could not possibly give a rats ass about."

On the other hand, I don't mind getting the phone and answering surveys. I can't really explain it, but the surveys just make me feel like I'm helping someone out by giving them some information. One time I sat on the phone for 20 minutes answering this survey about education in Texas.

Last night though, I had an experiance that really pissed me off. I was just about to walk out the door to go pick up my wife when the phone rings. Thinking it might be her on the phone I answer. There is a very polite young woman on the phone asking if I had time to answer a quick one-question survey about the upcomming election. Feeling a bit of civic duty course through my veins, I agree the conversation went a little something like this.

Questioner: Would you mind participating in a quick-one question survey about the upcoming election?

evilPidge: Sure, but it'll have to be quick, I need to pick up my wife, and I'm late.

Q: It wont take long (I can hear her fumble around on the computer) One second, I'm having technical difficulties.

eP: No problem, I can relate.

Q: Ok, all set now. In the upcoming election for Texas House District XX do you plan to vote for Republican incumbant Joe Smith, Democratic challenger Jane Doe, or are you undecided.

Let me point out that I put district XX because I dont recall which district she said, and sadly, I don't know which district of the Texas House of Representatives I live in. I also don't recall the incumbant's or challenger's name and had never heard of them before.

eP: Um... undecided

Q: Are you aware that Jane Doe has initiated...

eP: I'm sorry, I thought you said this survey was just one-question.

Q: Well it is, but its just we want...

eP: Then I think that you and I have a different concept of what a "one-question" survey is. Click

As I said, I don't mind answering survey questions, and I really wouldn't have had a problem listening to what this questioner had to say about Jane Doe (I don't have any clue if she was for or against Jane), except for the fact that I pointed out I was already late, and I didn't have time. If this woman had told me that she wanted to ask me a question, and then inform me about a canditates view on certain issues, I would probably said I didn't have time. I'm just really hacked off that she didn't tell me this to begin with.

If you tell me you just want me to answer one question, ask it and let me be on my way!

on Oct 15, 2004
Those are called push polls. Basically they say something that is blantantly false, but more often a distortion of the stand of the candidate to get you 'undecideds' to support the other candidate.
on Oct 15, 2004
Yup, push polls...one favorite tool of Lee Atwater and his mini-me, Karl Rove.
on Oct 15, 2004
i was just pissed because she kept on about it
on Oct 16, 2004


one favorite tool of Lee Atwater and his mini-me, Karl Rove.

yeah I am sure no opposing parties have used it either. Actually an outstanding example of push-polling right there in your trolling reply Myrrander Nice to see you are already backsliding into your previous atavism.

on Oct 16, 2004
Actually, I wasn't asking anyone questions about Lee or Karl. Lee Atwater was the architect of push polling about Willie Horton in 1988, and Karl Rove used push polling against John McCain in South Carolina before the 2000 election. But, just with instances of voter fraud, I'll be glad to admit that this issue can be laid on the doorstep of both parties like that half-eaten field mouse your cat always wants to share with you.

previous atavism

What previous characteristics that I suppressed have I "backslid" into? Not liking Republicans? I think you'll find I never stopped. Perhaps there are other traits that you were referring to. I think I've been rather consistant (consistantly right or consistantly wrong depending on you you talk to).
on Oct 17, 2004
I was mainly referring to your existance under another name....