Random Acts of Senseless Fuckery
Published on September 14, 2004 By evilPidge In Humor
Kids do say the darndest things. I'm reminded of two stories that I thought I'd share with anyone that cares to read.

So I'm a student hoping to become a teacher one day. Until recently I worked for a Child Development Center (Read: Day Care). So one day I am working with the "Grizzly Bears" (all of the classes are named after animals), a class of approximately 18 4-year olds. We're out on the playground on this morning, and I noticed that Jonathan was playing with two plasic balls from the ball pit (you've seen em at playgrounds where you jump in a pit full of balls and roll around and whatnot). Normally I'd take them away from Jonathan, but he's a really good kid, and he's playing quitely and not bugging anyone.

Anyways, like, five minutes later Jonathan comes up to me with tears streaming down his face. His voice was hitching and it was very difficult to understand what he was saying. I'm very alarmed by this because Jonathan is one of those kids that doesn't cry too often. One time he came up to me with a gash on his forehead, blood freely running down his face and told me, "I fell."

Finally I got Jonathan calmed down and asked him what was wrong. I sware, this is what he told me. "I was over there, and I wasn't bothering anyone. I was just sitting there playing with my balls, when all of a sudden Julia came up to me and without saying anything she KICKED MY BALLS!" At this point hes yelling and starting to cry again. "And now I can't play with my balls anymore!" This, of course was because one of the plastic balls flew over the fence.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep a straight face and sympathize with a child when he's telling you a story like this? Do you have any idea how hard it was to pull Julia aside and tell her that she was to leave Jonathan's balls alone and to not kick them anymore? Do you have any idea how hard it was to explain to Jonathan's mom why he was crying? Because she had picked this time to come and pick Jonathan up from school.

This second story didn't happen to me but to a close friend of mine. She took her little boy Andy out for the day, they had lunch and were then going to go to the grocery store. Well at lunch Andy didn't eat all of his food, so Mom told him that if he didn't eat his lunch he wouldn't be able to eat anything else untill dinner time.

Well can you guess what happened the second they got into the grocery store? Andy saw something he wanted to eat. His mom reminded him that he didnt finish his lunch so he didn't deserve to get a treat to eat. Surprisingly this didn't seem to be too much of a problem for Andy. Well, it wasn't an issue until 10 minutes later, and they are in the middle of the grocery store. At this point in time, Andy decided taht it was an issue, and at the top of his 4-year old lungs he screams, "But mom, I DO deserve to eat!"

on Sep 14, 2004
... Kids say the funniest stuff!
on Sep 14, 2004
Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep a straight face and sympathize with a child when he's telling you a story like this?

That's too funny! I can just picture myself trying it.

"But mom, I DO deserve to eat!"

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Timing is everything!
on Sep 14, 2004
Timing is everything!

yeah basket full of groceries, in the middle of the store. now easy way to duck out and avoid embarasment.
on Sep 14, 2004
.....hahahahahaha!....That was awesome!....Ah, I wish I was there.....it reminds me of this time at a restaurant with the band....and well, let's just say you had to be there.....

on Sep 14, 2004
HHAHAHA! Kicked his balls!

My little guy has a set of those play balls and we're using them to teach his colors. It's always with a little snicker when his dad asks him to bring him blue balls.

on Sep 15, 2004
It's always with a little snicker when his dad asks him to bring him blue balls

bwhahahahahahahahahaha!!! I couldn't do it with a straight face!
on Sep 30, 2004
oh my stomach hurts......hahahahahahah I needed that.